Sunday, September 10, 2006

Two Are Better Than One (Part 3)

The third benefit of relationships is the warmth that they provide you with. Ecclesiastes 4:11 says, “Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?” I know this passage of scripture is talking about the warmth of body heat that is produced when two people lie down together; however, I also believe it can apply to the warmth that is produced in our souls from our relationships.

The human relationship that warms my soul (and my body) the most is the one I have with my wife Cindy. We both love to cuddle, so we are especially fond of the winter months. I am so thankful for the marriage that I have to my wife. I can speak from experience, and there is no doubt that being married is better than being single.

When I think of Cindy, there are so many memories that warm my soul. This year we will be celebrating our ten year anniversary. Every year in December, I am reminded of that special moment when we committed our lives to one another forever. I am just as happy today as I was on the day I said, “I do.”

We love our summer vacations with our family. Prior to our vacations, there is such an excitement to spend a week of undistracted devotion on one another and our family. Every week we have a date night. Like a first date, I still get excited to be with the love of my life for a special evening. We love to go to dinner and a movie. At dinner, we often talk about how we are doing, our children and the church we so dearly love. Like a kid in high school, I always say, “I am happy to be with you.”

As we sit in the movie, I love holding Cindy’s hand. It is one of the most satisfying feelings just to be next to her. Quite often, we don’t even have to be talking to enjoy one another. Just the fact they we are together, like sitting out by my parents pool, is a heart warming experience.

Some of my favorite moments with Cindy have been in the delivery room giving birth to our three sons. Even though the births were painful to Cindy, there is nothing like witnessing the first moments of your children coming into this world. Nine months of questioning and talking about what they will look like is answered in an instant. I always cry after the delivery because I am so thankful for my healthy sons, and for the special feelings I have sharing something so unique with Cindy.

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