Monday, March 12, 2007

Vintage Jesus: "I am the Bread of Life and the True Vine"

Vintage: of high quality, especially from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work.

This Sunday, March 18th at Every Nation Tallahassee, I will be speaking about Jesus’ proclamation that He is “the light of the world.” We are on week three of our Vintage Jesus series and it has been awesome. You don’t want to miss our opening video. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at church.

It is a good thing to hunger and thirst. Hunger and thirst is the sign that you are still alive. The first activity I do in the morning is walk to the pantry, grab my ninety nine cent oatmeal container and stick it in the microwave for one minute and twenty seconds. Then, I pour me a twelve ounce glass of orange juice. Every morning, except on Sunday, I eat the same meal for breakfast. I have many needs, but the first one I give attention to every day is my need for food.

I am so thankful that my God is the giver of good gifts. He creates us with a desire to hunger and thirst, and then provides for us so many terrific foods to choose from. There is tremendous pleasure in eating a good meal and drinking a good drink.

I have also discovered the satisfaction and pleasure of living a righteous life. As I have hungered for righteousness, God has satisfied me with his presence, blessed me with a good name, rewarded me with a loving beautiful wife and given me three wonderful sons.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I recently went to the doctor to get a physical done on my body. During the examination, the doctor recommended I go for a blood test. When the results came back, I was shocked to discover that my cholesterol was high. I thought all I had to do is train consistently and everything else would take care of itself. As I talked with an expert on nutrition, I realized I had been eating too much meat. Meat is high in cholesterol. My consumption of late night coffee ice-cream did not help the cause either.

As I advance in years, I am realizing to a greater degree that what I put in my body is more important than how I train my body. A proper diet is the key to good health. I still need to work out and stay active, but it is all futile if I do not eat the right foods.

Like me, I am sure you enjoy eating your favorite foods. Also, I am pretty confident that most people want to live a healthy life and, as a result, enjoy many years here on earth. If you are younger, you probably don’t spend as much time worrying about what you eat. Most college students are just happy to eat that 99 cent Whopper at Burger King. If you are older, age and health issues force you to think about what you are eating. My goal is to make it to 100 years old, and reevaluate from there. We all know that one day each one of us is going to face death. So, since our bodies pass away, shouldn’t we be more concerned with feeding that which lasts forever—our souls?

Jesus taught that it does not matter how much people consume food and drink, they will still hunger and thirst. He also reminded people that one day every person is going to die. Yes, even those who workout and practice the best nutritional habits will face death sooner or later. Therefore, Jesus preached that the most important meal we will ever eat is the living bread that came down from heaven (John 6:43-51).

What did it mean for Jesus to say, "I am the Bread of Life and I am the True Vine?" Why did he refer to himself as something people eat and drink?

When Jesus said, “Take and eat; this is my body…Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant” (Matt. 26:26-28), He was not speaking in a cultural vacuum to consign His followers to cannibalism. Rather, His words were intended to lift the listeners from their barren, food-dominated existence to the recognition of the supreme hunger of life that could only be filled by different bread. The Israelites would learn, under Moses’ leadership, that physical bread had limited sustenance. Jesus wanted to meet a greater hunger.

Only Jesus can satisfy your every hunger and thirst.

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