Sunday, December 02, 2007

Drop and Give Me Twenty!

Finally, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

I believe, for the most part, that the universal body of Christ in America is weak. Although we might have a majority who believe in Jesus in this country, we have done a poor job bringing transformation to our nation. America lacks strong Godly leaders in government, the marketplace, education, the arts, entertainment, athletics and many other spheres of our society.

This is evident in our current presidential debates. For example, foundational to the success of any society is the institution of the family. Today, there is a good possibility a candidate that is pro-choice and supports gay marriages will be elected. By the way, I don’t hate pro-choice or gay people, I just disagree with them for reasons I will state in the next few paragraphs.

Why is abortion and homosexuality so devastating to the future of America? Because when we fail to procreate and when will kill babies that have been conceived, we devalue one of our most important inalienable rights—the right to life. We will cease to exist if we do not procreate. Remember, it takes a man and a woman to produce a baby.

The family, where husband and wife fulfill their duties as an affectionate father and mother, are statistically the best remedy for the social ills we face in America today. The majority of children that commit crimes or engage in delinquent behavior come from homes that do not consist of a loving father and mother.

So, why is the universal body of Christ weak in America? It is weak because we have lost our value of sacrifice. I ultimately blame this condition on weak preaching in the church. The kind of preaching that has been advocated by those who viewed the seeker movement as the cutting edge of kingdom advancement—Scripture-anemic, superficially practical, humanistic, therapeutic, man-centered, God-at-your-service, consumer-driven fireside chats has produced self-centered church attendees.

Jesus’ ministry was a message of sacrifice and commitment. He gave three requirements to those who desired to be His disciple. First and foremost, He taught that a disciple of Jesus must deny self. Second, a disciple of Jesus must take up their cross. Third, a disciple of Jesus must follow Him and live to fulfill the Great Commission. Sacrifice is the key to all three of these characteristics of a disciple of Jesus.

As the church begins to serve people with sacrificial acts of love, it will once again be strong and regain its place of influence in our society.

Now, drop and give me twenty!!!

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