Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jesus, Water Baptisms and a Six Minute Mile

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case (Beautiful Day, U2)

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

At the beginning of the year, with total reliance upon God, I made three goals for myself in 2009. They were: (1) know Jesus Christ better, (2) make Him known better, and (3) run a mile in under six minutes.

I would like to update you on how I am doing in regards to accomplishing my goals.

(1) I want to know Jesus Christ better.

As I enter my forties, I feel closer to Jesus than I have ever felt in my life. I have a deeper revelation of His love and goodness. I recognize more and more how much I need His grace, mercy and guidance in my life. I have a greater faith that He is finishing the good work He began in me over twenty years ago. I have His peace that passes all understanding guarding my heart and mind. Finally, more important than anything else, I still want to know Him betteer!

(2) I want to make Jesus Christ known better.

Last Sunday, I had the privilege of water baptizing twelve people. One person in particular was a gentleman that I led to the Lord. Also, God has given me many opportunities to share Christ with new people this year. I am praying that these people will come to know Him before the year is over. It is so exciting to share the good news of Jesus Christ with people. I thank God for allowing me to participate in His work.

(3) I want to run a mile in under six minutes on my birthday.

Today was truly a beautiful day. The weather was so perfect I was convinced God made it that way just for me. I knew His providential hand was on me when I turned on “Spirit Way” to run my mile on the Florida State University track. I am happy to announce that I ran my mile in 5 minutes and 55 seconds on my 40th birthday. It was an awesome feeling to accomplish this goal. Thanks for your prayers, encouragement and support.

In these times of uncertainty, and on my birthday, I want to remind you that God is good all the time. I am going to celebrate God's goodness and my 4oth year of life all year long.

Make Jesus your Lord and enjoy the life He has given you by serving Him.

It's a beautiful day!

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