Monday, May 25, 2009

Love * Sacrifice * Service

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the brave and noble men and women who have faithfully served the United States of America. I would also like to give my condolences to every family who has lost loved ones during their duty. I can’t even describe in words how much I admire every person who serves in our military.

I think every weekend should be a memorial weekend. It is so important that we remember the love, sacrifice and service of others who have selflessly given their lives to make ours better. Actually, Sunday morning Christian church services are a memorial time when we honor the greatest life-giving act of all time. This act was Jesus Christ sacrificing his life on a cross for our sins.

Those three words: love, sacrifice and service are very powerful. When a person possesses these qualities, they can do amazing deeds of courage. Whether it was Christ on a cross, or the multitude of men and women who have died for our country, you can be assured that they all imbibed these attributes.

Love: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:3

Sacrifice: “By one sacrifice he (Jesus) has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” Hebrews 10:14

Service: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

All of these Scriptures refer to the sacrifice of Christ. He is the one we should follow because He is the one who shed His blood for us.

When we desire comfort, convenience and personal pleasure over love, sacrifice and service, we set ourselves up for destruction. If the citizens of America will once again make these qualities the ambition of their lives, our nation can regain its greatness. As we honor our veterans on this Memorial Day who sacrificed their lives for our country, I hope we remember and treasure the example they set for all of us to follow.

Please pray for our military personnel all this week, and ask God to help you live a life of love, sacrifice and service.


Dave Hess said...

"When we desire comfort, convenience and personal pleasure over love, sacrifice and service, we set ourselves up for destruction"... Well said.

Cindy W. said...

Thank you for acknowledging those who have been willing to serve our country, and the families that have supported and sacrificed for them.