Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Missed the Avatar Blues (Part 2)

Wow! After watching this movie, audiences desire to leave their earthly life to participate in a society like the one in Pandora. As a member of the indigenous tribe, called the Na'vi, Jake Sulley had all the longings of the heart fulfilled that he could not find as a human. I will list the longings below and briefly comment on them.

1. A longing to worship: The people of earth in Avatar were humanists with no religion, and therefore, no value of anything sacred. They invaded Pandora with a Darwin philosophy of “the strongest survive”. Since man is god to the humanist, the quest for power, and the accumulation of wealth are noble pursuits. The Na’vi were very spiritual and sought divine intervention for direction and meaning in life. The people of earth were spiritually empty pillagers while the Na’vi found purpose from their deity.

2. A longing to be free: The people of earth were enslaved by their own greed. They had no peace in their hearts. The Na’vi ran and flew nearly naked in their environment, and were free to enjoy the beauty and wonder of Pandora, while ruling over the animals of their planet. They were not addicted to wealth and seduced by success.

3. A longing for a meaningful purpose: The people of the earth only lived for the moment. Their whole purpose was to pursue their insatiable lust for power and money. The more they gained, the more they had to possess. Jake Sulley, as a mighty Na’vi warrior, found purpose in protecting and fighting for his persecuted tribe. By living for someone else, he found a meaning in life more significant than trying to fulfill his personal desires.

4. A longing for love: The people of the earth were too focused on their own agendas to love one another. In other words, they were selfish and very divisive. The Na’vi valued finding their mate as a major part of becoming a contributing member of the tribe. Choosing a mate was synonymous with fulfilling their destiny in life.

5. A longing to belong: The people of the earth were corrupted by their humanistic philosophy that influenced them to do what was right in their own sight. This philosophy actually caused them to live in dissension as they pillaged Pandora. Not one person from planet earth was in love with somebody else in the movie. Jake Sulley got a new purpose and a new body as an Avatar. He also found meaning and new life after passing his tests and becoming a son of his Na’vi tribe.

Stayed tuned for Part 3!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blogs hunny! You are so awesome and that is why I luv you and I'm glad you don't look like an anorexic smurf on steroids lol!