Friday, July 13, 2012

The Edge

“Nothing will be impossible for you!”  Jesus in Matthew 17:20

I’m staring at a “The Edge” Academy flyer from Next Level Professional Baseball that boldly states their mission. It reads: To develop student athletes through academic and physical activity.  It’s limited to 20 participants each month, and daily snacks are provided.  According to the flyer, if you register for this program you will get “Edged”! 

Many companies promote their products by advertising that they will give you an edge.  For example, Gatorade commercials show athletes consuming their beverages and winning in competition as a spokesperson asks the question: “Is it in you?” Nike commercials display athletes performing comic book superhero feats and want you to believe that if you buy their shoes you can do the same.

I think these companies know that people are looking for an edge.  Baseball players want a “hot” bat with some pop.  Men want a razor that is going to give them the smoothest and closest shave possible.  Soccer moms want a safe vehicle that gets great gas mileage and has plenty of room. Let’s face it.  We are all trying to get an edge!

As I reflect on growing up I realize I always had an edge in life.  In the pride of my youth, I thought my edge on the basketball court was my athletic prowess.  As an honor role student, I thought my edge in the classroom was my superior intellect.  Every time I received an accolade or award I was convinced my edge was my diligent work ethic.  As a much more humble older man, I know my edge wasn’t my athletic prowess, superior intellect or diligent work ethic.

Yes, it’s true; I did have an edge in life.  It wasn’t the shoes I wore, it wasn’t the drink I drank, and it wasn’t the equipment I used to compete. My edge in life is that I had a father who loved me, supported me and invested his life in me.

My father’s love, support and investment in my life produced in me a sense of security that gave me a confidence that I could accomplish anything.  I received verbal affirmation, physical affection and quality time from my father.  His close presence taught me to believe that nothing is impossible!  My relationship with my father gave me an edge.

One of the reasons Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth was to reveal to us the will of His Heavenly Father.  At His baptism in Matthew 3:17, Jesus heard the voice of His Heavenly Father.  It said: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”   Jesus did amazing feats of sacrifice and service for others because he was so secure in his relationship with His Heavenly Father.  He is the one who taught that nothing is impossible for the one who knows the Heavenly Father and believes.  Jesus had an edge and it was His relationship with His Heavenly Father!

I’m sure that the 20 participants who enroll in the Next Level Professional Baseball academy will benefit tremendously from “The Edge” program over the summer.  They will learn information and develop skill.  No doubt this can assist them as competitors on the baseball field.  However, I believe that the real edge in life is to know God the Father and experience a father’s love.  I’m fortunate to say this is the story of my life.

I got edged!


Dave Hess said...

Great post! I hope to give my son the same kind of "edge" that you received from your Dad.

Ron Miller, Jr. said...

You will Dave!

Todd Camery said...

Great post!!No children of my own but dating a woman with 3(whom all I love dearly) ..I find myself reflecting (frequently) on the roll ANY man and father has in the role of his or someone elses children. Thank you Ron for this insight. You reminded me I've got edge!!!

Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Ron Miller, Jr. said...

Thanks Todd. Great to hear from you!