Saturday, September 27, 2008

Suit on Sunday and Crocs with Socks

Do I want to be comfortable or cool? That is the question.

If you asked me this question fifteen years ago, I would have definitively answered “cool”. Today, if I had to choose between the two, I would unapologetically pick comfort. Actually, I would prefer a good balance of coolness and comfort.

Over the last month, I have engaged in two conversations with younger members of my staff about my dress attire throughout the week.

The first conversation was about the suits I wear on Sunday. My younger and cooler staff member was trying to convince me that my suits are a hindrance to reaching the next generation. Does my suit really deter people from coming to church or coming back once they have attended? I refuse to believe the younger generation is this shallow.

In the second conversation, my other younger and more socially adept staff member was rebuking me for wearing crocs with socks. Evidently, this is a huge fashion faux pas. Who makes these rules anyway?

Since I am an un-cool, but wiser older guy, I just listened as they educated me on reaching out to the younger generation, relevance and coolness. I was slow to speak and quick to listen. However, I cannot contain my thoughts any longer. So, you have the privilege of being the first ones to read my response.

1 Timothy 1:5 says, “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

What does it mean to be sincere? It means a person is genuine and free of deceit, hypocrisy or falseness
I am a firm believer in the attractiveness of authenticity. It is more important to be authentic than cool or relevant. If possible, I think people should strive to be both. However, at the end of the day, people are more drawn to those who are sincere.

Why do I wear a suit on Sunday and crocs with socks? I am just being me. These are external expressions of the sincere, genuine and authentic Ronald Rudolph Miller, Jr.

For those who are not satisfied with my response up to this point stay tuned for part two of Suit on Sunday and Crocs with Socks.

Tell me what you think while you are waiting.


portorikan said...

Pastor Ron, do your thing, wear your crocs with socks, and wear your suits. :)

Now, I'm getting a little older, but I can say suits have never been a deterrent for me.

Now, someone trying to be cool, or hip or relevant, and doing something that they aren't, that's definitely a deterrent to being able to receive what they have to say. You can smell when someone is not being authentic and who they really are, and it doesn't smell good.

As a side note though,if the praise team ever had to wear suits, I would definitely never be able to participate in it, so thank you for no suits there.

Mike Watkins said...

The best and most attractive thing that we can put on is the Lord Jesus Christ Rom 13:14. There are other "put on" verses as well. Other than that just enjoy your suit :)