Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Pain of Unfaithfulness

Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble. Proverbs 25:19

In Proverbs 25:19, reliance on the unfaithful is compared to the pain that manifests in the human body when parts of it are not functioning properly. Solomon wants his readers to understand the devastating consequences of unfaithfulness. Some injuries hurt more than others. A sprained ankle is very painful.

Sometimes, the pain can be delayed, at other times it is instant. The level of pain is not always a measurement of the extent of the damage. Some people hear a 'pop' in their ankle. This could suggest a torn ligament. Swelling of the injured area follows the twist.

Rapid swelling usually indicates severe damage has taken place. The bleeding of damaged tissue causes the swelling, and the discoloration is a result of gravity pulling the blood downwards. The swelling is often situated a small distance away from the actual damaged site.

Just like the pain that comes from a damaged foot, people who act unfaithful cause tremendous pain to others. Infidelity in a marriage covenant hurts the one whose trust was betrayed. Children are emotionally damaged when parents abdicate their responsibilities. Churches can split over one member’s dissension. Companies and their clients suffer when an employee is dishonest. Unfaithfulness always hurts other people.

Have you or somebody you know ever been hurt by someone who acted unfaithful? What did you learn from that experience?

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