Sunday, March 14, 2010

Built to Last

In today's fast paced world, it can be quite a challenge to build a strong and healthy marriage. Unfortunately, our society tends to define success based upon the things we accomplish and the possessions we accumulate. This mentality has caused many people to neglect that which should get the best of our time and energy. Nothing is more important than building a great marriage; therefore, those who are married should make loving their spouse a top priority. The condition of our society is always a direct reflection of what is happening in our homes.

I have discovered that many people have no idea on how to build a successful and prosperous marriage. Listed below are three keys to building and maintaining a great marriage:

1. Build solid and strong foundations.

Successful marriages just don’t happen because people have feelings of love for one another. People who once were madly in love with each other get divorced every day. Like a sturdy house, a great marriage is built. The most important part of the building phase is laying solid and strong foundations. Whether it is a house or a marriage, solid and strong foundations are what everything else is built upon. During the foundation stage of marriage is when the husband and wife solidify a wonderful friendship.

2. Love to serve your spouse.

So many marriages are doomed for destruction right from the beginning because people marry with the expectation that their spouse is supposed to meet their every need. As soon as their needs are not getting met the way they think they should be, too many people choose to end the marriage. Although there are legitimate needs in a marriage that God uses our spouse to meet, the most successful marriages are the ones where the husband and wife live to serve one another. Learning to serve your spouse during the different seasons of life is vital to creating an environment of trust and intimacy in the home.

3. Communicate, communicate, and communicate.

Developing excellent communication skills are absolutely essential to effective marriages. Poor communication in a marriage is one of the main causes of divorce. Communication begins with the ability to listen and understand what your spouse is saying. When in doubt or unsure of what is being communicated, you should go the extra mile to get clarity. It is also important that you learn how to argue righteously and resolve conflict. Learning how to communicate in such a way to resolve conflicts in marriage is another way to develop trust and intimacy. Your biggest arguments can be moments when you get your greatest breakthroughs in your relationship if you possess the right communication skills.

Are you building a marriage to last?

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