Saturday, February 27, 2010

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Ephesians 5:15-17 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.”

These verses remind us that in certain moments during our lifetimes, God gives us unique opportunities within time to do something significant. These moments are “kairos” moments—a one time, passing opportunity—that is most strategic and pivotal. Apostle Paul is reminding the saints at Ephesus to: “Take advantage of the time that you have while you have it. You will never have this moment again.”

Alex Bilodeau, a 22-year-old from Montreal, won the men's moguls gold medal, which was the first ever for Canada when it was hosting the Olympics. It was a day of sweet brotherhood at the mountain. Bilodeau paid an emotional tribute to his disabled other brother Frederic, who was on hand for the historic moment.

"My brother has been an inspiration for me since I was young," Bilodeau said. "Growing up with a brother that is handicapped [cerebral palsy], you learn so much from those people. Everybody could complain, but you see a smile [from him]."

It brought great joy to my heart to witness Alex Bilodeau make the most of his Olympic opportunity. With the hopes and dreams of a handicapped big brother and his country riding on him, Bilodeau skied and jumped to Olympic gold.

As I watched Bilodeau celebrate with the citizens of Canada at the medal ceremony, I began to think about how Jesus Christ seized his “kairos” moment. Bilodeau was lifted up on a platform to receive a gold medal, but Jesus Christ was lifted up on a cross for the sins of all humanity. His last words while hanging on the cross where: “It is finished.” Jesus Christ seized his moment, made the most of his opportunity, and brought glory to God by completing the work He was sent to do.

How important was it for Jesus to make the most of his opportunity? It was the most significant act in history because without Christ’s crucifixion, there would be no forgiveness for our sins.

As we remember Alex Bilodeau’s gold medal performance and Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, let’s find the inspiration we need to make the most of the opportunities God has given us here on earth.

Lord—please help us understand your will, and respond to it with obedience.

1 comment:

Dave Hess said...

Great post!