Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Family Matters: The Role of a Wife (Part 2)

Secondly, after loving him by submitting to his headship, a wife is to love her husband personally. Paul says in Ephesians 5:33, “…and let the wife see that she respects her husband. In the same way that men are told to be considerate to their wives, (1 Peter 3:7) wives need to be respectful and understanding to their husbands.

A wise woman has respect for her husband’s manhood. A man has to lead his family, provide for them, and protect them. All these things require strength and confidence to accomplish. It is necessary for him to go out into the world to confront and conquer whatever obstacles there are to his family’s welfare. Without strength and confidence, he will be defeated.

Men are task and goal oriented from an early age. It is in the relationship with his wife that a man learns valuable lessons in how to have personal relationships. Have you noticed how little girls giggle (relate) and little boys tussle (compete). A wise woman will affirm her husband, not demean him, because she will understand that it strengthens him for his vital work of taking his responsibilities as a husband.

Nothing is more debilitating to a man than having his wife be disparaging about his manhood. A wife’s role is to continue to encourage her husband and affirm his manhood in healthy ways through love.

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